GE launches cancer assay with eye on companion Dx
GE Healthcare ($GE) has been steadily building up its diagnostics offerings over the past three years, and now the company is launching a sequencing assay targeting solid tumors in clinical trials.
The assay, sold through GE's Clarient Diagnostic Services arm, is designed to help developers target patient populations and lead to companion deals down the road. The test is the first GE has launched since buying up the research lab SeqWright last year, and folding that company's capabilities into Clarient cleared the way for GE to develop cutting-edge diagnostics, the company said.
这项检测,由GE的诊断事业部 - Clarient诊断来提供,目的在于为制药研发公司提供特定的病人群,并沿着药物研发的途径,拓展下游业务。这项检测是GE去年收购了SeqWright实验室之后,第一次发力,并整合到GE的诊断事业部,从而为GE提供最前沿的诊断业务。
Its latest offering targets the 26 most common oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes, present in lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and melanoma. More and more drugmakers are developing targeted therapies for cancer, Clarient said, and focusing on the most relevant and actionable genes will help the company serve a growing need in the industry, all part of GE's $1 billion investment in oncology R&D.
最新的检测围绕26个常见的肿瘤基因和抑癌基因,尤其是在肺癌、乳腺癌、结直肠癌和黑色素瘤领域。越来越多的制药公司正在开发肿瘤靶向治疗药物, Clarinet说,GE公司聚焦于最相关、最有意义的基因将帮助GE公司进军制药行业,目前GE已经在肿瘤研发领域投资了10亿美元。
"When GE Healthcare acquired SeqWright last year, one goal was to add incremental value to our existing pharmaceutical and biotechnology partnerships throughout their drug development and companion diagnostic development efforts," Clarient CEO Carrie Eglinton-Manner said in a statement. "Availability of this next-generation assay is realization of that goal."
“去年GE收购SeqWright公司,目的之一就是为现在的制药、生物制药公司,提供药物研发的帮助,以及伴随诊断”,Clariet公司CEO说, 新一代测序技术完成能实现之一目标。
GE bought Clarient for $587 million back in 2010 and has gradually added to its diagnostic heft ever since, most recently striking a deal with Insight Genetics to develop a molecular diagnostic for ALK gene mutations, which are tied to lung and other cancers.